Code of the Savage

Produced by: Geoff Jones
Website: Code of the Savage
Code of the Savage is a single-player RPG being developed by Geoff Jones. Billed as “a classic style western RPG that’s inspired by some of the great role playing games of the golden era of gaming” (which, in this case, means the 1980s and 1990s), it was successfully crowdfunded on Kickstarter back in July and August of 2018.
Promising a “no holds barred” gameplay experience and a story centered on “vengeance and survival”, Code of the Savage will place a strong emphasis on moral decision-making and player freedom, but the game will not tell you too much too quickly. That is not to say that there won’t be a goodly amount of lore to discover…but the point, Jones stresses, is that it has to be discovered; players will know very little about the world into which their characters are thrust at the outset of the game.
Code of the Savage will feature a seamless open world that will not be revealed to the player in any sort of linear way, one that will feature plenty of areas (some hidden) for players to discover. Combat will be a fast-paced blend of turn-based and real-time, and movement will be smooth and grid-based. The player will have the freedom to resolve challenges and moral quandaries in a variety of ways, and the inventory system will even support paperdolling.