
Produced by: LavaLevel
Website: QuestLord
Although its biggest inspiration is probably the Wizardry series of games — at least, that is what it most seems like to me — QuestLord, by LavaLevel, is an excellent homage to the dungeon crawlers and first-person tiled RPGs of yesteryear. If you played and loved series such as Might and Magic, Akalabeth, or Wizardry, you’ll feel right at home in QuestLord. However, the game also draws a bit of inspiration from Ultima Underworld as well, most notably in its innovative combat system. And best of all, it’s available for both iOS and Android, for the quite reasonable price of $1.99.
QuestLord offers a full-fledged magic system, turn-based combat, lots of quests, and a more or less entirely non-linear plot-line. You’re free to explore the world more or less as you please, limited only by how well your health holds up against the variety of monsters the game throws at you.
Oh, and it’s worth noting that the game might be fairly easy to mod; it stores its level data in flat text files, which can easily be viewed with any text editor. The exact scheme that veteran developer Eric Kinkead (check out his résumé!) uses to map the data in the text files to what you see on screen would take a bit of figuring out, but once that hurdle is accomplished, there’s no messy de-encoding/re-encoding step that will need to be performed.
Those are the worst graphics I’ve seen in a long time, I love them. They REALLY add to the old-school feel of the game. 🙂
No, seriously, that game looks awesome. I may actually shell out some money for an app for once.
The game itself is actually quite a lot of fun. I am enjoying the very dated look and feel immensely.
“Those are the worst graphics I’ve seen in a long time, I love them.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself. <3 Pixels!
On the human playthrough, i cant for the life of me find the spellbook. Already beat the first quest (necromancer) and cant claim the teleport spell without spellbook. Anyone care to help me out? (Volyren [at]
Ive searched every map tile in the first town and dungeon by touching the wall, and trying to walk through it, looking for secrets, and still, nothing…
I can’t recall the exact area I got it in, but it was an Elvish grove. You’ll chance across it eventually…there were quests there. And you can always loop back to previous areas to collect spells and suchlike. Monsters don’t seem to respawn for the most part, so those re-visits will be quick propositions.
Honestly, I haven’t had much need for spells as yet. Fireball is handy for ranges fights, but sucks up the mana.