The Dark Unknown

Produced by: Goldenflame Dragon
Website: The Dark Unknown

The Windows build of the July 2019 demo of The Dark Unknown.

The Linux build of the July 2019 demo of The Dark Unknown.
The Dark Unknown is a tile-based RPG in the style of Ultima 5, built by Goldenflame Dragon as a sort of spritial prequel to Ultima 1. Which is to say: it has no direct connection to the Ultima series, but will feature lots of little references and other things that most Ultima fans will nod knowingly at.
Goldenflame Dragon is writing his own engine for the game, and intends to keep the actual game itself fairly short. He has written an extensive backstory for the game, and regularly updates the game’s Facebook page with stories of its ongoing development (e.g. adding locations, writing NPC dialogues, and squashing bugs).
At present, a playable demo of The Dark Unknown is available for Windows and Linux, although the Linux version may have issues running due to folder permissions that Goldenflame readily admits he will not have the opportunity to address for a while.
2 Responses
[…] course, seeing this update from him reminded me that I hadn’t yet put a project entry for The Dark Unknown onto the Inspired Works subdomain, an oversight I have remedied as of a few minutes ago. It’s […]
[…] You can find the manual for download as a series of GIF images at The Dark Unknown website’s media page, or in PDF format here at the project entry. […]